Case Studies

Civic & Industrial Strategy Mission to Boston
In July 2018, GBM delivered a three day visit to Boston and Cambridge, Massachusetts, by over 20 key stakeholders from the City of Leeds including representatives from the City of Leeds, Leeds University, the National Health Service, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust, and a number of key private stakeholders and advisers.
Working with key private businesses as sponsors, that brought together more than 300 senior individuals in city management, property and real estate, financial services, technology infrastructure, legal services and education.
Our work
No two projects we deliver are the same. Every client has different needs, targets and messages; but all desire leads, connections and sales opportunities. We help them succeed through our integrated approach and our unique positioning in the UK and US.
We’re proud to share a selection of campaigns that show how we’ve helped our clients across many and varied sectors Explore, Launch and Grow, whatever stage of they’re at when it comes to expanding into the US.